If we want to create lasting positive change!
If we want to create change, you must do it from a level of energy that is greater than guilt, greater than pain, greater than fear, greater than anger, greater than shame and greater than unworthiness . Dr. Joe Dispenza For thousands of years, ancient cultures the Mayans, the Hopi, the Vediosages foretold a time when humanity would awaken into a higher consciousness. They spoke of cycles of a shift from darkness to light, and a return to harmony. That time is now. This awakening isn’t on the news, and it’s not a viral trend, it’s happening quietly within peoples, people everywhere. We’re realizing that reality is shaped by our attention, that peace isn’t found by fighting, but by creating a life aligned with our truth. People are remembering the ancient wisdom of connection and balance. Instead of focusing on the chaos they’re choosing to heal, to live consciously, and to create beauty. This isn’t a revolution of force, but of spirit. The prophecy spoken of strength, not...