
Money is being used for Weapons

Money used for the extinction of life on earth? Why can we pay for Child care, breakfast & Lunch for kids. Free Education and moneys for families to buy their first House. Because we spend billions on weapons of destruction, money that goes down the toilet. $$$ that help polluting the air, peoples and children’s minds and bodies. Kamala Harris is very quantum physics minded. Everything is entangled, connected WE ARE ALL ONE!

Wholeness, Spacious Mindedness, and Integral Consciousness

  Promoting world peace through concepts like   Wholeness, Spacious Mindedness,   and   Integral Consciousness   is a noble and aspirational goal. Here are some thoughts on how these ideas can contribute to fostering a more peaceful world: Wholeness : Embracing the idea of wholeness involves recognizing the interconnectedness of all things. When we see the world as a complex web of relationships and interdependencies, we are more likely to act in ways that promote harmony and cooperation rather than division and conflict. By seeking to understand and appreciate the diversity of perspectives, cultures, and experiences that make up our global community, we can move towards a more inclusive and peaceful world. Spacious Mindedness : Cultivating a spacious mind involves developing the capacity to hold multiple perspectives and ideas without feeling threatened or defensive. When we approach disagreements with curiosity and openness rather than fear or judgment, we create space for dialogue,

Which will you choose?

  Hate has four letters but so does love.  Enemies has seven letters but so does friends.  Lying has five letters but so does truth.  Cry has three letters but so does joy.  Negativity has 10 letters but so does positivity. To move us forward which will you choose?

The Spirituality of Nonviolence continued

  The Spirituality of Nonviolence continued: Franciscan peacemakers Rosemary lynch and Alan Richard have identified 10 “commandments” for those seeking to live a spiritual life of nonviolence. They call it “the decalogue for a spirituality of nonviolence”. 1.       To see ourselves as part of the whole creation to which we foster a relationship of love, not of mastery, remembering that the destruction of our planet is a profoundly spiritual problem, not simply a scientific or technological one. We are One. 2.       To be ready to suffer, perhaps even with joy, if we believe this will help liberate the divine in others. This includes the acceptance of our place and moment in history with this trauma, with its ambiguities. 3.       To be capable of celebration, of joy, when the presence of God has been accepted, and when it has not been to help discover and recognize this. 4.       To slow down, to be patient, planting the seeds of love and forgiveness in our own hearts and in

The Spirituality of Nonviolence.... continued:

  The Spirituality of Nonviolence continued: Franciscan peacemakers Rosemary lynch and Alan Richard have identified 10 “commandments” for those seeking to live a spiritual life of nonviolence. They call it “the decalogue for a spirituality of nonviolence”. 1.       To renounce dualism, the “we-they” mentality and (Manichaeism ). This divides us into good people/bad people and allows us to demonize the adversary. It is the root of authoritarianism and exclusivist behavior period it generates racism and makes possible conflicts and wars. 2.       To face fear and to deal with it not mainly with courage but with love. 3.       To understand and accept that the new creation, the building up of the beloved community is always carried forward with others. It is never a solo act …

The Spirituality of Nonviolence

  The Spirituality of Nonviolence... Franciscan peacemakers Rosemary lynch and Alan Richard have identified 10 “commandments” for those seeking to live a spiritual life of  nonviolence.  They call it “the decalogue for a spirituality of nonviolence”. 1.        Learn to recognize and respect “ the sacred ” and every person, including in ourselves, and in every piece of creation. 2.        To accept oneself deeply, “who I am” with all my gifts and riches, with all my limitations, errors, failings and weaknesses, and to realize that I am accepted by God. 3.        To recognize that what I resent, and perhaps even the detest in another, comes from my difficulty in admitting that this same reality lives also in me....

More Overtones for a Peace Fuller Peace Meaning & Action

    • CONVICTION - A strong persuasion, a firm belief.   a fixed or firm belief: No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in his conviction in the rightness of his position.   • COURAGE - Strength of mind and will to carry on with audacity and fortitude in spite of challenges and danger. Courage is   the quality of being brave or fearless, and the ability to face and deal with things that are difficult, painful, or dangerous .   • CREATIVITY - The generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations, to go outside the box. The ability to create something new and valuable, whether it's an intangible idea or a physical object.  It can also be defined as the tendency to generate ideas that can solve problems or entertain others.   • DEEP LISTENING- non-judgmental, quiet, calm, emphatic understanding.    Ongoing practice of suspending self-oriented, reactive thinking and opening one's awareness to the unknown and unexpected.

A Series of the Overtones of Peace Fuller Meanings

What are Overtones.   An overtone is any resonant frequency above the fundamental frequency of a sound.   • AWARENESS - An ongoing fuller discovery of self and a mindful, spacious realization of higher degrees of conscious and creations interactions to explore. Cultural awareness is the knowledge, awareness, and acceptance of other cultures and others' cultural identities. • CARING - to be concerned, have thought or regard. The work or practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves, especially sick and elderly people. • COMMITMENT - The firm carrying out of purpose. The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity,  • COMPASSION - Sensitivity and the capacity to commiseration for another's suffering or misfortune. Compassion for the beauty of the earth and all its remarkable features and creatures hoping to nurture and preserve them.

New intentions: Grow up, Wake up, Clean up, Wake up, Show up!

  As we enter into the last month of the year it might be a good time to review this past year and then through the next 30 days make a plan to revision the future by revising some mistakes of the past. Ken Wilber's Call: Grow Up, Clean Up, Wake Up, and Show Up An interview about age with integral philosopher Ken Wilber. Posted  December 3, 2021   |     Reviewed by Tyler Woods KEY POINTS ·        Aging is an opportunity for emotional and spiritual growth. ·        Aging is also an opportunity to give back and serve the common good. ·        Mortality awareness creates an urgency for life completion .

4 Secrets To Longevity - All In Nature Promoting Peace!

  Keep a quiet heart  Sit like a tortoise   Walk sprightly like a pigeon   Sleep like a dog  Keep a quiet heart  Sit like a tortoise   Walk sprightly like a pigeon   Sleep like a dog  Keep a quiet heart  Sit like a tortoise   Walk sprightly like a pigeon   Sleep like a dog  In 1928, when a New York Times correspondent went to China and interviewed many of the people in Li’s village, they claimed that their grandfathers knew him when they were young -- and he was already a grown man at the time. I'm not a believer in old wives' tales, and I don't believe that Li Qing Yun really lived to be 256, but his story is fascinating. More important, we know he was a real historical figure who was not only featured in TIME magazine (in the United States), but also met with several historical figures. And most importantly, he studied Daoist longevity techniques, and I think the four principles he shares here are   When asked for his secret to a long life, he said: The Secret To His