A walk at the Lower Manhattan tragic mile bike path were 8 bikers were mowed down

November 15th midday was a most interesting balmy fall moment in lower Manhattan for 4 Rotarians who walked the tragic mile bike path were 8 bikers were mowed down. Five of these bikers killed were from Argentina. We started our walk from the end of this tragic happening on Chamber’s street, where I and my family lived from 1975-1981 and came to pray and pay our respects to these victims and their families praying for hope and world peace. Besides myself, Doug Sturomski, Rotary Dist. 7210 Peace Chair, I was joined all the way from Florida, by Danny Garcia E-club member and famous Global Children and Peace Walker, globalwalk.cc our District Governor, James Damiani and Asrar Ahmed, Ozzie, our beloved Moslem member, of The Greater Newburgh Rotary. Besides placing Rotary Flags at each location, we finally arrived at the Complete Memorial of those eight bikers killed, where the truck entered the bike path on Houston Street. A truly synergistic meeting took place there when we asked a fellow...