The Undertones of War!!
now Israel & Palestine…The Undertones of War!!
1. Post-traumatic
stress disorder PTSD is the scourge of all wars/terror attacks all over the
world. No war spares the innocent or the guilty, civilians or those who fight. Think
of 9/11 or the carnage going on right now in Ukraine.
2. Hundreds
of thousands of Ukrainians that have been decimated with the warfare going on
in there.
3. Russian
young men thought this was a military exercise and many have become handicapped
or killed for what?
4. The
number of amputees alone in the Ukrainian side is more than the British
suffered in all the years of World War I.
5. The
number of casualties on the Ukrainian side is more than the casualty rate
during the First World War which destroyed millions and millions of lives. We
want to feel the agony of what it means to be a veteran however…
6. The
veterans, particularly in the United States have the highest suicide rate, 22.2
veterans commit suicide a day.
7. The
destruction of infrastructure and the devastation of the environment.
8. Neuroscientists
Rachel Yehuda has actually done a longitudinal study about the impacts on those
babies from the stressors that 38 pregnant mothers evidenced as they
experienced someone lost in 9/11.
Children orphaned or captured by the
enemy because of war.
10. Violence
replicated with war toys: guns, military tanks, aircraft, and games (Call of Duty)
movies …STAR WARS!!
11. Billions
of dollars spent on weapons of war vs millions of dollars spent on peace
As it lightens your load opens your heart and increases your presence, so I want to refer to 911 the launch day of this series warriors cry for peace
through doctor Yehuda’s research we have taken a step forward
in our understanding of epigenetics I'm sure most of you understand epigenetics
but just for clarification sake epigenetics is the study of heritable changes
in gene expression that are not reflected in changes in DNA sequencing so these
changes in gene expression which are highly individuated different for each
individual these changes canno38t be detected in DNA sequencing or genetic
inheritance in that regard but they are nevertheless heritable and demonstrable
and indeed that is what Rachel you would have found hello I'm good I'm good I'm
listening to a very interesting overtones of war discussion here on what
happened to the mothers who are were in vitro with to the babies who are in
vitro when the when the walls when the towers came down and they saw their
husbands or the people that in there being killed and how that whole thing
affects them because now they're in their 20s and how war effects people
through your genes and this is not through your genes that way but it's through
your epigenetics in other words changing of genes I mean pistol levels the
anxiety levels in
8 women select #38 women who were pregnant and who lost
someone related to them and the 9/11 tragedy and what she found in short
was that not only did those women have PTSD and high anxiety levels
demonstrated by their blood chemistry lower levels of cortisol for instance
would be one indicator of that increased panic responses but they're babies,
their children when they were born similarly had that signature in their blood
chemistry and in their lives they were more prone to panic etc.
This history behind them please take that in for a moment
because it is a portrait of intergenerational trauma it is a portrait of and to
change that to interfere with traumatic repetition to end the lineage of
violence and move from our lower vibrations of shame, revenge, getting even,
and fear toward our higher conscious vibrations of partnership, cooperation and
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