Vibration, Frequency & Resonance

 “As you begin to understand that everything in creation is based on a system of Energy — and when you learn some very basic things about how this Energy behaves — you will begin to unleash a creative force in your life that will seem miraculous.” — Bob Doyle  The first step to consciously creating your life is understanding everything is energy. Why? Because energy can be directed, shifted, and changed. Most importantly, when you change your energy, you change your life.  Below is an ongoing list of a few key nuances about energy and how it works in regards to fully stepping into your power as a conscious creator of your life.

1.      All life, everything in nature, all physical objects, and everything in our organic and inorganic world is energy.

2.      You are not physical matter. You are pure energy. To be exact atomically you are made up of 99.99999 percent energy and .00001 percent physical substance.

3.      Your thoughts are units of mental energy that can be measured.

4.      Your emotions are energy — more specifically energy in motion.

5.      Like all forms of energy, your emotions vibrate at a different frequency.

6.      Happiness, love, and hope vibrate at a very high frequency and thus carry a powerful creative force in reality.

7.      Low vibration emotions like fear, anger, and sadness run stagnant.

8.      Thinking or feeling from a state of joy and connection is much more powerful than doing so from a state of separation and fear, but they manifest, nevertheless.

9.      These vibrations (energetic frequencies) held in the body over a period of time will attract events, situations, people, and experiences that resonate with that energy.

                    10. This is the most important law in the Universe to understand: not the Law of Attraction but rather the Law of Resonance


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