More Overtones for a Peace Fuller Peace Meaning & Action


 CONVICTION - A strong persuasion, a firm belief.  a fixed or firm belief: No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in his conviction in the rightness of his position.


COURAGE- Strength of mind and will to carry on with audacity and fortitude in spite of challenges and danger. Courage is the quality of being brave or fearless, and the ability to face and deal with things that are difficult, painful, or dangerous.


CREATIVITY- The generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations, to go outside the box. The ability to create something new and valuable, whether it's an intangible idea or a physical object. It can also be defined as the tendency to generate ideas that can solve problems or entertain others.


DEEP LISTENING- non-judgmental, quiet, calm, emphatic understanding.   Ongoing practice of suspending self-oriented, reactive thinking and opening one's awareness to the unknown and unexpected.


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