The Spirituality of Nonviolence continued


The Spirituality of Nonviolence continued:

Franciscan peacemakers Rosemary lynch and Alan Richard have identified 10 “commandments” for those seeking to live a spiritual life of nonviolence. They call it “the decalogue for a spirituality of nonviolence”.

1.      To see ourselves as part of the whole creation to which we foster a relationship of love, not of mastery, remembering that the destruction of our planet is a profoundly spiritual problem, not simply a scientific or technological one. We are One.

2.      To be ready to suffer, perhaps even with joy, if we believe this will help liberate the divine in others. This includes the acceptance of our place and moment in history with this trauma, with its ambiguities.

3.      To be capable of celebration, of joy, when the presence of God has been accepted, and when it has not been to help discover and recognize this.

4.      To slow down, to be patient, planting the seeds of love and forgiveness in our own hearts and in the hearts of those around us. Slowly we will grow in love, compassion and the capacity to forgive.


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